Commonly Asked Questions

Milford Township FAQs

What are your hours of business?

Township office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday.
Public Works: 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Where is the Township building located?

2100 Krammes Rd., Quakertown, Pa. 18951 Milford Township Building

Who provides Police Services?

Police service is provided by the Pennsylvania State Police. In an emergency dial 911. For other calls, the State police number is 215-249-9191.

I’m moving, are Use and Occupancy Permits and inspections required for home & Business re-sales & rentals?

Yes, Use and Occupancy Permits and inspections are required for all residential, commercial and industrial re-sales and for changes in tenants. Forms must be picked up at the Township building each property has a disclosure that must be printed from our system.

Why do I need a Building Permit?  

You need a permit for construction because as of April 9, 2004 it is a state law under PA Act 45 of 1999.  Permits ensure safe construction by protecting public health, safety and welfare.  Permits allow code officials to help to reduce potential hazards of unsafe construction by guaranteeing that minimum construction standards are met.

Do I need a permit to just replace roof shingles?

No, only if you are replacing the plywood decking or if the construction involves structural work such as replacing rafters.

My deck is rotting or replacing existing deck. Do I need a permit?

If you are REPLACING an EXISTING deck a permit is required. If you are only replacing deck boards a permit is not required. All new decks require a permit.

Do I need a permit for a concrete/paver patio?

Yes, A permit is required.

Do I need a permit if I am installing replacement windows?

No, You do not need a permit unless the new windows are a different size from the old ones.

Do I need a permit for a swimming pool or hot tub?

Yes, A permit is required to locate, construct or maintain a swimming pool or hot tub. All pools designed to contain a water depth of twenty-four (24) inches or more and intended for swimming or recreational purposes. Including the temporary inflatable pools.

How many horses may I keep on my property?

A minimum of three (3) acres of net buildable site area shall be required for the keeping and raising of livestock. The keeping and raising of livestock shall be limited to one (1) head of livestock per one (1) acre of net buildable site area. Further, a minimum of two (2) acres of net buildable site area shall be required for the keeping and raising of poultry.

Does the Township have recycling?

Yes, A drop off center is located at 2050 Krammes Rd. We accept glass, plastic, cans, paper (not cardboard) and yard waste from Township Residents.

Does the Township provide trash hauling?

No, A resident may choose any trash hauler.

Who is responsible for road maintenance snow plowing and street signs?

Milford Township is responsible for maintaining Township-owned roads and Penn-Dot District 6 is responsible for maintaining state roads.

Is there a place in the Township for disposal of large items, such as furniture, old computers, appliances, etc.?

No, Contact the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection Recycling hotline at 1-800-346-4242, the Bucks County Planning commission at (215) 345-3400, or your local trash hauler.

Can a Township park pavilion be reserved and how?

Yes, call the Township office for fees and availability at 215-536-2090

Can I get fill from the township?

Possibly. You must have an approved site (call the Bucks County Conservation District at 215-345-7577). If the township has a project generating fill nearby and you have your site identified to the township, fill may be provided.