Board and Meetings

Overview Of Board & Meetings

A three (3) member Board of Supervisors governs Milford Township. Supervisors are elected at-large for a six year staggered term.

The Board has both executive and legislative powers, and is empowered to appoint professionals to assist in daily operations and to provide counsel on technical matters.

The Board appoints members to advisory boards and commissions. These include the Planning Commission, Zoning Hearing Board, Building Board of Appeals, Park Board and Agricultural Advisory Board.

The Board also appoints members to the Milford Township Water Authority and the Milford Trumbauersville Area Sewer Authority (both Trumbauersville and Milford appoint member to the sewer authority).

General Meeting Schedule: 1st Tuesday of the Month, 7:00 p.m., 3rd Tuesday of the Month, 7:00 p.m.

Re-Organization Meeting scheduled 1st Monday of the new year.

All items must be submitted by noon the Friday before the scheduled meeting to be placed on the agenda.   Items submitted past the deadline will be added to the following Board of Supervisors meeting.

Term expires December 31st of year noted.

Local Government Boards

Board of Supervisors (Elected 6 Year Term)
(meets 1st & 3rd Tuesdays)
John Mininger, Chairman (2027)
Christian Haberle, Vice-Charman (2029)
Charles Strunk, Member (2025)

Planning Commission (4- Year Term)
(Meets last Wednesdays)
Francis Murray, Chairman (2028)
Edin Bolton, Vice-Chairman (2025)
Merv Afflerbach (2026)
Susan Edwards (2027)
Adam Klein (2027)

Zoning Hearing Board (3- Year Term)
(Meets 2nd Tuesdays, As Needed)
William J. Buchanan (2025)
Timothy Johnson (2027)
Tim Jozefowski (2026)

Alternate:  Josh Sinsel (2025)
Alternate:  Joe Sroka (2026)

Building Code Official
Gregg Kravitsky
Barry Isett & Associates (Third Party)

Building Code of Appeals
James Rotenberger (2027)
Estelle Eberhardt (2025)
Eric Jurin (2026)

Park Board (5- Year Term)
(Meets 2nd Wednesdays)
Bob Irick, Chairman (2026)
Allen Clemens, Vice-Chairman (2029)
Kyle Kocher (2028)
Iveta Gigova (2027)
Jerry Hertz (2025)
Sarah Kline, Secretary

Agricultural Advisory Board (1- Year Term)
Christian Haberle, Chairman
Paul Longacre, Farmer
Lester Weisel, Farmer
Wendell Gehman, Farmer
Terry Landes, Citizen
Sarah Kline, Secretary

Board of Auditors (6-Year Term)
Michael Cordovano (2029)
Julia Fuentes (2027)
Sheryl Nierenberg (2025)

Vacancy Board (1- Year Term)
Stephen Shelly

Milford Township Water Authority (5- Year Term)
(meets 2nd Tuesdays)
Fran Murray (2028)
Richard Kulp (2027)
Charles Strunk (2026)
Arnold Mancini (2025)
Joseph Smalley Jr. (2029)

Milford Trumbauersville Area Sewer Authority (5- Year Term)
(meets 3rd Mondays)
Warren Levy, Jr (2027)
Gary Parzyk (2026)
Robert Smith (2025)
William Heffentrager (2029)
Keith Ruppel (2028)