PennDot Projects

PennDot Projects

PennDot District 6 News- Under these improvement projects, PennDOT is milling the existing roadway surface and repaving the state highways with new asphalt. The new pavement will seal the roadways and provide motorists with a smoother riding surface.

  • Monday, May 16, through Friday, May 20, from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM, a lane closure is scheduled on Creamery Road between Trumbauersville Road and Allentown Road in Trumbauersville Borough and Milford Township for milling and paving operations;
  • Monday, May 16, through Friday, May 20, from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM, a lane closure is scheduled on Limeport Road between Allentown Road and the Lehigh County line in Milford Township for milling and paving operations;
  • Monday, May 16, through Friday, May 20, from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM, a lane closure is scheduled on Apple Road between Union Road and Old Bethlehem Road in Richland and Haycock townships for milling and paving operation

Motorists are advised to allow extra time when traveling through the work areas because slowdowns will occur. All scheduled activities are weather dependent.


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